UNICEF Somalia Humanitarian Situation Report No. 8, Reporting Period: 1 - 31 August 2022 Featured

Highlights* The drought in Somalia is worsening with famine (IPC Phase 5) predicted to occur in three areas of the Bay region by the end of 2022 if the humanitarian response is not significantly scaled up.

* The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report released in August revealed an extremely concerning projection of malnutrition in children, where approximately 1.8 million (54.5 per cent) children may face acute malnutrition between August 2022 and July 2023, including 513,550 children who are likely to be severely malnourished.

* Since January 2022, 9,075 cases of cholera with 44 deaths (CFR 0.48%) have been reported from 24 of the 74 drought affected districts.

* UNICEF, in coordination with the government and other humanitarian actors, is intensifying its response. Since January, 268,259 children were treated for severe acute malnutrition, while 759,338 children and women were provided with lifesaving health services.

* In 2022, 980,525 people have received emergency water supply.

* UNICEF assisted 119,686 vulnerable children to access emergency education services while 65,158 people accessed mental health and psychosocial support services since January 2022.

Source: reliefweb