During a recent weekend of reading, I delved into the ongoing upheavals in the Horn of Africa. It’s troubling to see how many commentators have opportunistically entered the discourse, aiming to sway public opinion through misleading political tactics. What struck me most were the actions of certain activists who, through tweets and other social media platforms, are attempting to resurrect outdated strategies. The rhetoric surrounding Somali nationalism has been hijacked by ailing elite activists, seemingly intent on deepening the hardships of communities like those in the Somali Region, just as they are beginning to enjoy a fragile peace and stability.
Nabad Kuwada Noolaanshiyaha Waa Muhiim Waxa Beesha Gaajeel Waddo waa Dhul Boob iyo Gardarro Garab Og
Salaan ka dib,Mudaneyaal Dhaqanka Beelaha Haiye, Waxaan idin xusuusinayaaSoo yaal taarikheed (Gumeysiga ilaa Xurriyadda Dalka)Kahor soogelitaanka Dalka ee Gumeysiga, Soomaalida waxeey u kala degganeyd beelo. Beel kastana meel cayiman oo loo yaqaano ayeey degganeyd. Hasa ahaatee dhaqanka soo jireenka Soomaaliyeed wuxuu ku dhisnaa is kaalmeesy oo layska kaalmeeysanaayey mararka aay meelo abaaro ka dhacaan in dadkii abaarta ku dhacdey daaqsin u raadsadaan meeshii roob heshey. Iyo guud ahaanba dadka deggan meelaha aan daaq fiican lahayn inay
Waxaa wadatashiyo u socday Xildhibaanada Labada Aqal ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliyaee Dowlad-goboleedka Koonfur Galbeed (KGS), wadatashiyadaan waxa looga arrinsaday arrimahaSoomaaliya; gaar ahaan xaaladaha amniga iyo siyaasadda. Waxay xildhibaanada isku raaceen inaanshaki ka jirin in sharciyan Soomaaliya ay tahay Qaran caalamku aqoonsan yahay; xaqna u leh ilaalintamadaxbanaanida iyo wadajirka dhuleed si waafaqsan Dastuurka Federaalka KMG ee dalka.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY-In the light of Somalia’s steady progress towards governance and greater stability, the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) proposes a two-year Transition of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) to a United Nations Country Team (UNCT) to better align with Somalia’s national priorities and its evolving needs.
The VAT exemption policies for healthcare, medicine supply, health insurance,educational fees, utilities (electricity and water), local production, and foodstaples in Sub-Saharan African countries are examined:
The Security Council,Recalling all its previous resolutions and statements of its President on thesituation in Somalia,
The Govemment of the Republic of Turkey and the Govemment of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (hereinafter referred to as individually "Party" and collectively"Parties"),
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, I begin by praising Allah the omniscient, all-knowing, and gracious.
* 1- President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud presided over an emergency meeting where the security agencies discussed the attack by the Kharijites Al- Shabab terrorists on Lido Beach, where innocent youths were killed.
More than 60 people also wounded, some of them critically, in attack on popular seaside spot frequented by Somalis on weekends.