Somalia and Egypt: A Dangerous Alliance Featured

During a recent weekend of reading, I delved into the ongoing upheavals in the Horn of Africa. It’s troubling to see how many commentators have opportunistically entered the discourse, aiming to sway public opinion through misleading political tactics. What struck me most were the actions of certain activists who, through tweets and other social media platforms, are attempting to resurrect outdated strategies. The rhetoric surrounding Somali nationalism has been hijacked by ailing elite activists, seemingly intent on deepening the hardships of communities like those in the Somali Region, just as they are beginning to enjoy a fragile peace and stability.

These individuals, often residing comfortably in the diaspora—some with their children attending prestigious schools, others without children and thus removed from the struggles of the impoverished youth back home—appear to derive satisfaction from the suffering of those they claim to represent. It’s as if they seek transient fame and unearned wealth at the expense of their own community’s well-being.

The era of analysts exploiting our people is coming to an end. The Somali Region, a cradle of brilliance, is home to experts in various fields who are tirelessly working to uplift our community. Over the past six years, we have witnessed significant improvements in the quality of life. Despite immense challenges, this progress stands as a testament to our resilience. As we continue to heal from the scars of subjugation, arbitrary arrests, killings, and poor governance, we are now firmly on the path to progress. It is imperative that we unite to prevent any regression into those dark times,

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