Adopted by the Security Council at its 9708th meeting, on 15 August 2024 Featured

The Security Council,Recalling all its previous resolutions and statements of its President on thesituation in Somalia,

Reaffirming its full respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political
independence, and unity of Somalia,
Underscoring the importance of consolidating the peace and security gains
made in Somalia, recognising that military action alone will not be sufficient to
resolve threats to peace and security in Somalia, emphasising that the protection of
civilians is critical to building sustainable peace, and reiterating the need to pursue a
holistic approach that reinforces the foundations of peace and stability, in line with
priorities defined by the Government of Somalia,
Taking note of the Federal Government of Somalia’s (FGS) report dated 11 April
2024 pursuant to paragraph 10 of resolution 2710 (2023), and its request for continued
support with the development of its security sector,
Taking note of the African Union Peace and Security Council’s communique of
20 June 2024, which contained a conflict analysis and a joint strategic assessment of
the situation in Somalia, developed by the African Union Commission in consultation
with Somalia, and which considered a range of options for response by the African
Union Peace and Security Council and United Nations Security Council, and
requested the development of a draft Concept of Operations,
Welcoming the African Union Peace and Security Council’s communique of
1 August 2024, which transmitted the Concept of Operations for an African Union -
led peace support operation, the African Union Support and Stabilisation Mission in
Somalia (AUSSOM), to replace the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia
(ATMIS), to the United Nations Security Council for its consideration,
Expressing grave concern that Al-Shabaab continues to pose a serious threat to
the peace, security and stability of Somalia and the region,

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